Chad and I were in separate cars going to the same place.
I was in my car behind him. We were getting on the freeway in rush hour traffic.
I got his attention in the rear view mirror and signed to him that I am thirsty and I would like a coke.
***Now for all of you who are not deaf/HH the sign for coke comes from olden times when there was cocaine as an ingredient in coke. So the sign is like putting drugs into the crook of your arm.***
Well- without even thinking I sign this to him. He knows the sentence in sign- nothing new...
I pull forward and glance up to see this lady giving me the dirtiest look ever! In retrospect, from her perspective, I was asking the man in the car in front of me for drugs, as I was chasing down my drug dealer.
The moral of the story is to not jump to conclusions, things are not always as they seem.
P.S. I am happy I was not also asking for a Mountain Dew (the sign for that is your fingers in the position of a gun to your temple.)