Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Warped Family...


I came to a conclusion this winter break:

Only a warped individual would fully appreciate the interactions that go on in our home.

Let me explain...

First, Chad grew up in a home of six kids. He was the youngest... but don't let it fool you he can hold his own! He was not the little picked on baby of the family, he turned it on anyone else he could!

His favorite game on the PLANET is Monopoly but it is not just the game. There is an entire feeling that goes hand in hand with the game. He becomes this different person. It becomes strictly business- no fun and games, he is here to win!

Now, as for myself, Monopoly has never been one of my favorites... (when the room around you turns thick as Chad announces that he is the banker and land lord.)

The boys pick up on the tenseness immediately, planning their defences as if we are now at war.

(Stupid me: Last time I read the instructions to the game "war" was not a key point...)

So as we begin Ashton quickly acquires all four railroad cards, Boardwalk, and a few other miscellaneous properties. I gain the best score in collecting groups of properties quickly then begin building hotels (this after Chad asks me how much money I have and quickly trades all I have for little red buildings- that stresses me out thinking I will hit one of Ashton's railroads and owe him $200.).

Taylor attains very little and Chad possesses all the opposite of Ashton. Chad quickly asks to trade even throwing in money as an extra bribe. Ash is dead set that there will be no business done with him. Tae backs this up- even though he is quickly loosing the game. Chad gives me most of his unusable property as we all drift through the game.


Tae hits one of my properties where he bankrupts himself.

He knows there will be no sympathy from Chad, so he looks adoringly to his Mom (sticking out his bottom lip...)

With puppy dog eyes he looks at me and asks in the most serious voice if he could trade sex for staying in the game.

(yes, our family games usually do take a warped turn)

I don't know to this day if my money bag took his dog up on the offer....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beginning To Look A Lot Like...


I was thinking today about Christmas.

What does Christmas mean to me?

In thinking about it, a thought came to me this week. I have a friend (one of my best friends in fact) her name is Fae. She is in her 80's, and she has cancer... again.

Fae is an amazing lady that I am truly a better person for knowing. I adore her! I think she is the most kind, loving, devoted, faithful woman on the planet.

I have been lucky enough to know her for the past 13 years. Each month I am able to talk to her and catch up on things. I have told her many things in confidence, knowing they never go anywhere. She is always supportive and loving. I look forward to our visits! She has been there for everything, the good, bad and the ugly...

This week, her daughter stopped by our home with a gift for Christmas from Fae. She made it a point to tell me that her mom is to ill right now to shop for anyone, but she requested that Cindy and her missionaries receive a gift, that was all that was important to her.

I cried.

So, what does Christmas mean to me?

Making someone, somewhere feel special.

Let's all do that this Christmas Season!

FOOT NOTE: Sadly, Fae passed away a few days after Christmas.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Endearing Moments....

There is something incredibly endearing about seeing your child interact with other children...

Last week, Taylor's 9th grade class was going to see "Body World", he was not interested in seeing it for a second time, so he asked to skip school instead of watching movies all day in class.

I agreed with him- informing him that he was not just to spend the day in front of the computer playing games, that he was to jump in and help. He was there to work, not play.

As the kids arrived, Tae's concern was very prevalent in the expression on his face. He was doubting himself and wondering what he had gotten himself into.
We did circle time and then pulled my class aside, this is when he started to get excited. Here is my darling son with these little ones that barely come up to his waist, looking up into his face and melting his heart, just like they did mine.
My class is all boys. (thank heavens that is what I know)
So, they became Jedi knights, Santa's, and astronauts leaping around the room with light saber balloons, rolling in the pile of leaves to de-contaminate, and circling the wagons to avoid instant disaster with the massive asteroid attack. It was so adorable to see the elation in their faces to have a new guy there entertaining them for the day!
I asked him after what he thought of the kids, he said, "Mom, you have the funnest job on the planet! When I grow up this is what I want to do too, come to school everyday and PLAY!"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snoopy- Loopy


Even on my rainiest of days...

You're always there for me.

Thank You!


Monday, December 1, 2008

A Spooky Thought!


This morning I am taking Tae to school...

He is usually late, so Ash is at school when Tae gets around to being ready.


On the radio I hear,"Listener Cindy is texting us that her 14 year old son just found out that his 13 year old girlfriend is pregnant."

I look at Tae, he looks at me.

I say, "Is there anything you want to tell me young man?"

Luckily it would never be my 14 year old in such a situation!

But, it sure made the ride to school interesting...



We have a new family that has moved into our humble abode...

Yes, it is fall in Utah and the temperature has dropped- and we have a huge yard (I can say that with confidence- I do the yard work!)

A family of mice has moved in.

This happens almost every fall, nothing new. Except the stand off in the kitchen this week.

Yes, standoff.

Here, let me explain.

So, Monday I am standing in the kitchen and hear a sound, look towards the storage closet and see a mouse looking at me. He is a nice looking mouse as far as mice go. Well fed perhaps, groomed well, the only problem is he is in MY house. So, the stand off begins (insert classic western standoff music here...)

I scream.

Why? I have no idea.

I am not one of those girls. I don't squeal. I don't get grossed out. I am not scared.

But- with the commotion both boys come running.

We trap Templeton (okay, yes we named him) in the closet with a broom whacking around randomly. What does he do? Runs out of the closet... do we blame him?

To which Ashton screams (like a girl I might add)

And poor Templeton is completely scared for his little life running around the kitchen Taylor whacking at him. He finally hid under the cabinets.

Now there is poison down.

Dum dum dum dum duuuuummmmmm...

Soon there will be a death, a few even.

So, yes there was a stand off but to my rival touche'... (so sorry)

I win!

Thanksgiving Weekend

So I have concluded that I am getting OLD...

Yes, *sigh* old.

My extended family all has Thanksgiving weekend at Snowbird together. When this tradition began there were very few of us (11). Now, the numbers have grown with families getting larger, it is a whopping 27! Most being "little people" making it LOUD and really fun!

This year my very patient cousin Greg and cousin- in- law Mark decided that they were going to teach the kids to ski. Tae and Ash were among those being taught. I tried a few years ago to teach them, but failed miserably vowing to never do it again.

Greg and Mark took them up to Alta teaching them in a day! (THANK YOU!!!)

So, we all decided to go up together, even my brother Doug getting involved in the action.

Here we are with the hundreds that also were skiing... The snow was a little slushy, and they were making more all along the run which really limited your vision. Doug and Tae went together (Tae bringing his red U hair making it possible to see him all down the mountain) and Ash and I went together. I quiz Ash making sure that he can get off the lift himself, and make it down the long run. He says yes he can. So we go up the lift. He made it off the lift fine. And we wait for Doug and Tae. When they arrive at the top I find out that they both ski with both skis downward praying people move out of the way. EEK!

Ash does really well! He is slower and very precise UNTIL...

He hits a patch where they are making snow which pelts out "snow turds" at 50mph, making everyone crash right there! Ash is one of them getting both skis off in the process. So, here I am standing in front of the machine with "snow" blasting out at me, trying to help Ash put on his skis, getting SOAKED! Shortly after this turns to ice. So, I have frozen ice chunks in my hair, dripping down my back! I am cold and frozen! To boot all I loose Ash! In the blinding mayhem he takes off down the hill.

I wait for him for the next 45 minuted FREEZING my butt off!!!

I was done.

1 run! Did me in...

Windburn and frost bite are not a fun day of skiing. My body HURTING in places I had forgotten were there!

When we get to the bottom, Doug is there with blood dripping off his chin, it seems that he has biffed it with his face taking the impact.

But the best part is... I can't wait to go again!!!