We have a new family that has moved into our humble abode...
Yes, it is fall in Utah and the temperature has dropped- and we have a huge yard (I can say that with confidence- I do the yard work!)
A family of mice has moved in.
This happens almost every fall, nothing new. Except the stand off in the kitchen this week.
Yes, standoff.
Here, let me explain.
So, Monday I am standing in the kitchen and hear a sound, look towards the storage closet and see a mouse looking at me. He is a nice looking mouse as far as mice go. Well fed perhaps, groomed well, the only problem is he is in MY house. So, the stand off begins (insert classic western standoff music here...)
I scream.
Why? I have no idea.
I am not one of those girls. I don't squeal. I don't get grossed out. I am not scared.
But- with the commotion both boys come running.
We trap Templeton (okay, yes we named him) in the closet with a broom whacking around randomly. What does he do? Runs out of the closet... do we blame him?
To which Ashton screams (like a girl I might add)
And poor Templeton is completely scared for his little life running around the kitchen Taylor whacking at him. He finally hid under the cabinets.
Now there is poison down.
Dum dum dum dum duuuuummmmmm...
Soon there will be a death, a few even.
So, yes there was a stand off but to my rival touche'... (so sorry)
I win!
1 comment:
You are such a great story teller! I love reading your stories!
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