There is something incredibly endearing about seeing your child interact with other children...
Last week, Taylor's 9th grade class was going to see "Body World", he was not interested in seeing it for a second time, so he asked to skip school instead of watching movies all day in class.
I agreed with him- informing him that he was not just to spend the day in front of the computer playing games, that he was to jump in and help. He was there to work, not play.
As the kids arrived, Tae's concern was very prevalent in the expression on his face. He was doubting himself and wondering what he had gotten himself into.
We did circle time and then pulled my class aside, this is when he started to get excited. Here is my darling son with these little ones that barely come up to his waist, looking up into his face and melting his heart, just like they did mine.
My class is all boys. (thank heavens that is what I know)
So, they became Jedi knights, Santa's, and astronauts leaping around the room with light saber balloons, rolling in the pile of leaves to de-contaminate, and circling the wagons to avoid instant disaster with the massive asteroid attack. It was so adorable to see the elation in their faces to have a new guy there entertaining them for the day!
I asked him after what he thought of the kids, he said, "Mom, you have the funnest job on the planet! When I grow up this is what I want to do too, come to school everyday and PLAY!"
I love these little peaks into your life. :-)
You have SUCH amazing kids!!! I hope Hannah and I still have a great relationship when she's in her teens, like you and your boys do. What a great Mom!!! :)
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