One of my favorite (and highly inappropriate) Broadway plays is Avenue Q. It is a spoof on Sesame Street with a vast assortment of colorful puppets who put their character- sakes to shame. In this play Princeton, one of the main characters, is looking for his purpose. He has just finished college and feels like he is now a has- been, breaking into song about how "It Sucks To Be Me".
Through the years I have been asked by many people how to find their purpose, and I have also thought about my purpose as well. I think that at some time or another every one wonders to some extent if this is the life they are meant to have.
Well, the good news is... after looking long and hard "My Purpose" fell into my lap recently.
I was asked to help some of the kids in the Salt Lake and Orem programs with their summer school this past year. This meant me going into their homes, meeting with their families, and giving advise as I saw needed- educational or otherwise.
After spending time in each of these homes, I realized that this was my purpose. Not that I know everything by any means, but I could see where they needed guidance, and had the wisdom to respectfully advise each family into something that *miraculously* worked for them.
Families would try my suggestions and call me in tears tellig me that they worked. Thinking I was some sort of miracle worker- which I am so clearly NOT.
Can I even tell you what a huge high that was??? To be
needed.Positive feedback was given to my boss, who has now molded a job to my accomplishments from the summer. I have loved the opportunities that USDB has given me, and continues to give me.
So "For Now", I have found my purpose... It may once again change, but for now, I love what I do!