So for my birthday my eight- year old friend, Hannah Banana gave me the funniest card, thought I would share- pretty poetic since recently I feel as though I, myself, am a princess too...
"A Birthday Fairy Tale"
Once upon a time, there was a princess who was like a size 4 or something.
She could eat and drink whatever she wanted and always stayed really skinny and had flat, firm abs even though she never went to the gym.
Every time she tried on jeans, the very first pair fit and made her butt look amazing.
She lived in a great big, beautiful castle with her handsome, multimillionaire husband, who was busy all the time buying her giant diamonds, taking her to Hawaii, giving her foot massages, and telling her how beautiful she was.
One day, she was eaten by a dragon and no one cared.
The End.
Thanks Hannah Banana, I needed to retrieve my head from the clouds! :)