Tonight begins another season of Saturday Night Live. I adore New York City and cannot count the times I have been there. I love everything about it! But with the season opener a few hours away I thought I would share my favorite memory from Saturday Night Live!
As many of you know I have single parenting down pat. With so many life changes all at once, my kids had some major separation anxiety. My solution... we all slept in the same bedroom for a little over a year. The kids started out in the bed with me, but they could really pack a punch- so I kicked them out onto the floor.
One Saturday night, I had SNL on in the background, while the kids were trying to go to sleep.
Taylor heard the header, "Tonight's musical guest is The Bare Naked Ladies!!!"
I didn't think anything about it, but Taylor (age 4) laid there for almost an hour fighting sleep.
Finally he heard it, "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Bare Naked Ladies!!"
Taylor shoots out of his bed and jumps to the TV. In the most discussed voice he says, "They are not bare naked and they are not even ladies!!"
He then laid back down and was asleep in seconds.
Enjoy tonight's season opener with Michael Phelps!!!
1 comment:
Hey! I found your blog! I love it...have a good day!
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