Ashton decided to run for 7th grade class officer this year, mostly because the job entitles you to a "cool sweater with your name on it".
Now, just to keep you up to date,
Ashton never went to elementary school with any of these kids! (I took him out of our school bounds to where I taught). He walked into the school this year knowing 1 other 7th grader!
So, over the weekend we made his poster, and I gave him some advice about running, we even debated pulling his name to the secretary position because he would be a write in.
Ashton took this very seriously, stopping people in the hall saying, "Hi, my name is Ashton I am running for vice president and I would really appreciate your vote!"
This is my child who's entire goal in kindergarten was to raise his hand and say ANYTHING!
Well, I get a phone call from Ash after school saying:
Ash: "Hi Mom! Guess who your talking to?"
Me: "Huh? Who?" (I thought the vote was NEXT week...)
Ash: The NEW 7th grade V.P.!!!"
CONGRATS ASH I am very proud of you my copper top!!!