I was just reminded of another funny family memory:
A few years ago the boys and I went to Vegas to meet & catch up with "Auntie Twin" (love you Kathy!!) We were going to spend the weekend with her and her mom.
Anyhow, we had reservations at a hotel on the strip so it took awhile to find the parking lot.
The drive was a long hot one, with little boys, and we were all anxious when we finally got there.
While going to check in I figured we would grab a load for the room, making the trips to and from the car less hectic. As we hit the spinning door I dropped an orange that rolled to the outer side of the door- picking up speed as it went. The fancy lobby was full of people rushing back and forth. All I could picture in my head was a swanky lady in high hills stepping on the orange and falling spread eagle on the marble floors!
With my arms full and Ash's Scooby Doo suitcase the only thing in his pudgy little hands I said, "Grab the orange!" He went scooting out the open door right after the orange- across the fancy marble floor. All eyes on us! I was mortified!
From that moment on whenever we are in a predicament, we quote,
"Grab the orange!"
Hi She's A Sweetie,
Thanks for your expression! I am glad to have to your appreciation! Hope you like it! ;)
SO many reasons that I love you!!! When I grow up, I want to be as organized and creative as you.
PS - I tagged you on my blog. :P
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