Last week while catching up on Chad's day the phone rang. It was my friend Leslie (Les) in a panic (both Taylor and Ashton have babysat her son Luke for the past 4 years or so... she ADORES the boys and considers us her surrogate family) she was getting ready to fly to D.C. to visit her mother over spring break and needed help downloading video clips to her itouch so Luke had something to do in flight.
At the same time she showed up Peter (our awesome Sean Connery look alike next door neighbor) came over. He informed us he had just been to Idaho fishing and caught three 3' + trout and wanted to know if would be interested in taking one off his hands. I sent Ashton over to his house to get one thanking him profusely. Ashton returned a few minutes later with a HUGE frozen fish still sporting the head, scales and fins. Thinking that I would defrost this crescent shaped creature, clean it, and chill it for dinner I had it put in the sink.
While getting Les and Luke out the door, Corby taken care of, the boys evening schedules figured out, and dinner thought of- I left my fish friend in the sink.
Later I hear a huge commotion coming from upstairs... little did I know a sight I was not prepared for was waiting for me... the entire tail of the fish was missing! All 4 1/2 inches of it! It seems as though Buddy, our dog, likes the delicacy of fish tail. While standing up on the counter he nibbled the tough trout tail completely off.
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