Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cell Phone Dilemma

Anyone who knows me, knows I keep my cell phone in my bra. Yes, bra. When it rings or buzzes I reach in there to grab the thing out- much to the shock as dismay of random strangers at the grocery store.
Anyhow, my phone could really use an upgrade and last week Taylor and I were discussing this topic here is how the conversation unfolded:

Taylor: So you are going to look into new phone hun?
Me: Yeah, I think so....
T: So what are you going to do with your old one?
M: I dunno
A few seconds later....
M: Why? Do you want it?
T: Ummm No. Mom it has been touching your boob now for over a year.
M: Giggles

The funny thing is he really wants the phone. I guess we will see if my germed up boob-touching phone is his in the next few weeks, won't we?


Heather said...

That is so awesome! ROFL!

Melissa said...

You can just tell him you sanitized it, for his peace of mind, and he'll be all over that phone! :)