I came to a conclusion this winter break:
Only a warped individual would fully appreciate the interactions that go on in our home.
Let me explain...
First, Chad grew up in a home of six kids. He was the youngest... but don't let it fool you he can hold his own! He was not the little picked on baby of the family, he turned it on anyone else he could!
His favorite game on the PLANET is Monopoly but it is not just the game. There is an entire feeling that goes hand in hand with the game. He becomes this different person. It becomes strictly business- no fun and games, he is here to win!
Now, as for myself, Monopoly has never been one of my favorites... (when the room around you turns thick as Chad announces that he is the banker and land lord.)
The boys pick up on the tenseness immediately, planning their defences as if we are now at war.
(Stupid me: Last time I read the instructions to the game "war" was not a key point...)
So as we begin Ashton quickly acquires all four railroad cards, Boardwalk, and a few other miscellaneous properties. I gain the best score in collecting groups of properties quickly then begin building hotels (this after Chad asks me how much money I have and quickly trades all I have for little red buildings- that stresses me out thinking I will hit one of Ashton's railroads and owe him $200.).
Taylor attains very little and Chad possesses all the opposite of Ashton. Chad quickly asks to trade even throwing in money as an extra bribe. Ash is dead set that there will be no business done with him. Tae backs this up- even though he is quickly loosing the game. Chad gives me most of his unusable property as we all drift through the game.
Tae hits one of my properties where he bankrupts himself.
He knows there will be no sympathy from Chad, so he looks adoringly to his Mom (sticking out his bottom lip...)
With puppy dog eyes he looks at me and asks in the most serious voice if he could trade sex for staying in the game.
(yes, our family games usually do take a warped turn)
I don't know to this day if my money bag took his dog up on the offer....