Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Fairy Tale

So for my birthday my eight- year old friend, Hannah Banana gave me the funniest card, thought I would share- pretty poetic since recently I feel as though I, myself, am a princess too...
"A Birthday Fairy Tale"
Once upon a time, there was a princess who was like a size 4 or something.
She could eat and drink whatever she wanted and always stayed really skinny and had flat, firm abs even though she never went to the gym.
Every time she tried on jeans, the very first pair fit and made her butt look amazing.
She lived in a great big, beautiful castle with her handsome, multimillionaire husband, who was busy all the time buying her giant diamonds, taking her to Hawaii, giving her foot massages, and telling her how beautiful she was.
One day, she was eaten by a dragon and no one cared.
The End.
Thanks Hannah Banana, I needed to retrieve my head from the clouds! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

*Gulp* The Big 4...0!

So it looks like the big 4...0 is right around the corner.
With this in mind, I recently found my 30's goals; they are as follows:
1. Complete an upper college degree
2. Back-pack through Europe
3. Attain Sign Language degree
4. Re-do all of the house
5. Write a book
6. Have at least a 2 year relationship
7. Be a better person than I am now
8. Make a difference in one life
9. Have or adopt another baby
10. Go to New Zealand- meet Delwyn
11. Close the dark chapter to my life
12. Raise well adjusted children
All in all I did rather well. When I wrote these goals, I thought they were really shooting to the stars, attaining few to none. I have learned so much about myself & how strong I am through each of these being attained.

In the spirit of things here is my 40's list, I only hope I can be as successful with this one!
1. Attain a PhD
2. Live in Italy for a month and learn how to cook
3. Go to New Zealand- meet Delwyn
4. Have my book on the Best Sellers List
5. Learn to fly
6. Master meditation
7. Go to Asia
8. Be a better person than I am now
9. Skydive with Taylor on his 21st Birthday
10. Alter lives in a positive way- in Africa
11. Complete Spudman with the boys
12. Raise well adjusted children who add to society
So, I guess now I just need to blow out a bunch of candles, hopefully with out burning something down, and get busy!
Wish me luck! :D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cell Phone Dilemma

Anyone who knows me, knows I keep my cell phone in my bra. Yes, bra. When it rings or buzzes I reach in there to grab the thing out- much to the shock as dismay of random strangers at the grocery store.
Anyhow, my phone could really use an upgrade and last week Taylor and I were discussing this topic here is how the conversation unfolded:

Taylor: So you are going to look into new phone hun?
Me: Yeah, I think so....
T: So what are you going to do with your old one?
M: I dunno
A few seconds later....
M: Why? Do you want it?
T: Ummm No. Mom it has been touching your boob now for over a year.
M: Giggles

The funny thing is he really wants the phone. I guess we will see if my germed up boob-touching phone is his in the next few weeks, won't we?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wake Up!

The way the poodle sniffs my face

He dances around the room ready to chase

Because inevitably he needs to drop some waste

I sit up and step out of bed, he sprints down the stairs as if it is a race

As I cut through the kitchen to open up the door

I think of how much sleep I got, and wish I could get some more

As I enter the patio out to let him free

He gets very excited because he really needs to pee

As I get ready to ascend back to my lair,

I turn around and watch him pounce around the yard like a little hare

With a pounding headache in my head

I walk up the stairs, shut the door, and go back to bed.

-Ashton Thorpe

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy #14 Ashton!!!

hApPy BirThDay aShtoN!!!
I am so excited it is your day!
As just a reminder... here are 14 reason why I love you!
1. You are RED blooded... through and through!
2. You always help me on the computer and make my power points move...
3. You are crazy brilliant
4. Your steamed vanilla with hazelnut pump
5. You still tell me you love me and kiss me goodnight-every night!
6. You make me proud- on a daily basis
7. Sushi runs- YUM!
8. Your are my Copper-top, Ashy-Pooh, Crash- Bash, and just plain Ash
9. You teach me about focus (when do I ever ask you about your homework?)
10. You grab the orange
11. Ashton in the middle
12. Your drum playing
13. Your fashion sense (pink?!?)
14. You are always my cheerleader!
I hope that you have the best day ever!!!
I am SO proud You are my son, I love you with all my heart...



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy #16 Taylor!!!

HaPpy biRthDay TaYloR!
I am so glad you are a part of our family and my life!
Here are 16 reasons why I think you are AMAZ-Z-ZING!!!
1. You make me giggle (on a daily basis)
2. You are extremely thoughtful
3. You think of others before yourself (especially Corby)
4. You take care of Dumb Dog
5. You give the best presents- EVER!
6. You always want to go with me where ever I go...
7. You let me name your freckles
8. You will always catch me a snake, lizard- or whatever
9. Your collections (remember the hub- cap?)
10. You are the best big brother in all the world!
11. You catch the biggest fish in the pond
12. You 4-wheel slow- for your bro
13. Larry
14. Your business ambitions
15. You eat whatever I make- except green things :)
16. You are one of my best friends!!!
Hope you have an amazing day!
(and that your gift is built by then...)

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood...

Last week while catching up on Chad's day the phone rang. It was my friend Leslie (Les) in a panic (both Taylor and Ashton have babysat her son Luke for the past 4 years or so... she ADORES the boys and considers us her surrogate family) she was getting ready to fly to D.C. to visit her mother over spring break and needed help downloading video clips to her itouch so Luke had something to do in flight.

At the same time she showed up Peter (our awesome Sean Connery look alike next door neighbor) came over. He informed us he had just been to Idaho fishing and caught three 3' + trout and wanted to know if would be interested in taking one off his hands. I sent Ashton over to his house to get one thanking him profusely. Ashton returned a few minutes later with a HUGE frozen fish still sporting the head, scales and fins. Thinking that I would defrost this crescent shaped creature, clean it, and chill it for dinner I had it put in the sink.

While getting Les and Luke out the door, Corby taken care of, the boys evening schedules figured out, and dinner thought of- I left my fish friend in the sink.

Later I hear a huge commotion coming from upstairs... little did I know a sight I was not prepared for was waiting for me... the entire tail of the fish was missing! All 4 1/2 inches of it! It seems as though Buddy, our dog, likes the delicacy of fish tail. While standing up on the counter he nibbled the tough trout tail completely off.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Corby's Three!

Corby had a birthday last month and silly Mommy has not yet blogged about him so here goes:

Three Corby-isms:

1. Corby has the worlds BEST laugh.

2. Corby is the glue in our home, he is adored by everyone around him.

3. Corby is making some AMAZING improvements that I am so proud of!

We love you big guy! Thanks for choosing our chaos to be a part of!

